Tempest disc lock£29.99
Brake lock | Motorcycle security | Gear Gremlin
● 10mm locking pin● 2.4 inch (62mm) throat depth from the pin centre ● Made from toughened alloy steel ● Suitable for most motorcycle brake discs● High visibility neon colour ● Supplied with a carry case and two keys ● Easy to fit ● Convenient ● Durable ● Carry pouch supplied ● Gear Gremlin ● Just £1 postage & packing
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IT'S GOTTA BE RIGHT We only sell products we use and enjoy. If you have a problem with anything you buy from us, tell us and we'll sort it out. Pronto. No fuss. No arguments. How secure is this lock?
The idea is simple. You slip the lock over your brake disc and push the locking pin into whatever hole is suitable and check that it's snugly home.
Depending on your braking system and suspension design, you'll give thieves very limited movement, and that will make your bike hard to manoeuvre onto a waiting vehicle, or into a better street location where they can get at whatever other security device you're using.
You should treat disc locks as temporary protection, or supporting protection. Use a back-up lock on the street such as a shackle lock or lock and chain. And for home security, add a ground anchor to the mix.
Tip: Buy our disc lock reminder, or devise your own system to prevent you riding off with the lock fitted.
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