Pioneer Run

eBook £2.99


Inside the Pioneer Run eBook


Pioneer Run notes


1. The Pioneer Run is organised exclusively by the Sunbeam Motorcycle Club and is a registered trademark.


2. Please enjoy this event by giving maximum space to official entrants, and that means not crowding the riders when taking photographs. Remember that many of these old motorcycles require a lot of road-going concentration. So stand well back there, if you will...


3. The Sunbeam Club also organises the New Conyboro Run in East Sussex, and the Testers' Run which starts and finished in Wolverhampton. Contact the club for more details.



THE FIRST PIONEER RUN, organised by the Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club, took place in 1930. It was open to riders of pre-1915 motorcycles.


In the very early days, the authenticity of machines was not something anyone had too many sleepless nights over. You simply "run what you brung", to use the modern vernacular. But all that changed in 1938 when the Pioneer Register was started, its object being to determine the eligibility of machines entered for the event.


Today, the scrutineering is as rigorous as a communist witch hunt, so you can forget all about bolting your lawnmower engine to that old Hercules pushbike in the shed and laying on the nickel plate.


It's a pity that the scrutineering doesn't include the riders outfits - some of whom slip off happily from the start line wearing full-faced lids and dayglo jackets. But our modern day health & safety fascists, coupled with the ever-tightening noose of the insurance industry, make it difficult for the Sunbeam Club to weed the men from the boys.


Still, the underlying spirit of the event is strong - even though sartorial elegance often leaves much to be desired.


Tattenham Corner, Epsom to Madeira Drive


Regardless, the Pioneer Run is still the world's greatest veteran bike event. It starts at Tattenham Corner, Epsom (close to where Suffragette Emily Davison was trampled to death by King George V's horse during the 1913 Epsom Derby - supposedly whilst trying to attach a Suffragette flag to the nag).


The route then heads south along the A217 to Reigate and Crawley, Pease Pottage and Handcross, then doglegs west to the A281 south to Pyecombe where it picks up the A23 to Brighton. The run (and not a race, take note) finishes at Madeira Drive.


And because the event is held in March each year, it's usually bloody cold. Moreover, it kicks off at 8.00am (whatever the hell that is).


But don't let that put you off. Today's modern Pioneers, usually supported by back-up vehicles and satellite communication technology, may not be the tough and resourceful Pioneers of old; those guys and girls who, with their teeth, could extract horseshoe nails from tyre rubber and forge crankshafts in a ditch at the side of the road, etc.


Times change, and the modern world takes no prisoners. But make no mistake that these guys are the embodiment of that great spirit of yesteryear. Just try to stay out of their way if you're riding modern hardware that makes the Epsom-Brighton jaunt feel like a walk around the garage.


The Pioneer Run should be experienced at least once in your life. Most traditions are not worth preserving.


But this tradition is an exception. Long may it continue.


Danny DeFazio

Pioneer Run eBook


What's it all about? It's a photoshoot of the world's greatest veteran motorcycle run with poetry and quotes from Ixion to John Masefield to William Shakespeare to William Wordsworth. It's unique (as far as we know) and has been downloaded thousands of times.


Think of it as poetry in motion. It's a treat.


Note: This publication was available as a Sump freebee, but we've had to apply a small charge to cover the bandwidth costs which mount up. Buy the eBook and we'll be presently notified by PayPal. We'll then forward a link for you to grab the book (usually within an hour or two, but occasionally a little longer). Yes, it's slow and old fashioned. But that's the kind of guys and gals we are. The eBook will be worth it.


Sorry, but it's not available in hardcopy, or for Macs or mobile phones. Just PCs.






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