Golden Flash

buyers guide eBook




We got so many page views on our

BSA Golden Flash buyers guide that we decided to expand it and repackage it into a 100-page eBook.

Stuffed with detailed graphic images of what is arguably the greatest BSA of them all, we've also stir fried in some old brochure material, seasoned it with quotes, garnished it with advice and words of wisdom from BSA A10 aficionadosand served it up in an easy going, digital, page-turning format. So no trees were harmed, etc, in the making of this little tome.

But wait. If you're the stingy type, you can read the buyers guide for FREE by following this BSA A10 Golden Flash link.

However, if you want all the extra (graphic) stuff, you gotta release that dead man's grip on your wallet and pay us what's due.

Which is £4.99.

Good value? We think so. But don't take our word for it. Check out the images on the right to see what's on offer. Look around the site to see how we generally handle things. Then buy it, or don't buy it.


But how does

it work?


Easy. You hit the PayPal button below and do the financial bit with your credit or debit card. We don't collect your personal data, and we don't want it. PayPal handles it all, and you don't need a PayPal account.

When PayPal lets us know you've done your bit, we send you a code to download the eBook.

It can take up to 24 hours before you receive your code, but in practice it's usually considerably faster. Sometimes within minutes.

That's it. It isn't as complicated as it sounds. And unless you've got "issues" with your computer, the downloads should take minutes. If you have problems, we'll give you back-up until it's sorted.


Important note!!!

If you're running an Apple computer, you're out of luck. We don't cater for that platform or any other platforms except windows. That also means it won't run on mobile phones. So it's PC's only, please. This is older and more dated software.




Is there a printed version of this book?

No. It's a digital publication only.


Are you planning a printed version?

Not at the moment. But things might change.


What are the eBook dimensions?

158mm x 211mm x 100 pages (when opened). It should display comfortably on a 17-inch monitor at a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. Click on this BSA A10 Golden Flash eBook cover image to see how it will appear on your screen.


I'm concerned about downloading files from the internet. Is this book safe? We haven't included any adware, spyware

or malicious code in the book. But it is

an .exe file, which means that it's a

self-running program. Therefore, your computer might raise a warning. And rightly so. If you trust us, override the warning. If not, better not buy the book. In either case, you should have good virus protection on your computer. We've successfully downloaded thousands of eBooks. The Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club is also downloading one of our publications and is very happy with it.


Can I make a copy of the eBook? Yes, for your own use. But each one is personalised with your private details. Therefore, you might not want to
circulate it.


Am I allowed to resell it? No. The copyright stays with Sump Publishing. We have modified the software to enable us to track unauthorised distribution.


Will there be more books in this series? That's the plan.


How do I "operate" the book? Use the right button on your computer mouse. You'll find a drop-down menu and will see the various options. It's very simple and intuitive to use. The exit button is also on this menu.


And I can read the buyers guide for free on the Sump website? That's it. Go to our BSA Golden Flash page. The feature is all there. But if you want the extra images, most of them highly detailed, you'll need to buy the book. We think it's a quality eBook and well worth the price.


But it's not a manual or a restoration guide? Absolutely not. It's simply a
100-page essay on the BSA A10 Golden Flash, that's all.


Can I email you for support if I get a problem with the eBook? Yes. But we anticipate few issues with it. We can also send it in a different format. It's a little more complicated, however, but your computer won't flag it as an .exe file.


After I buy, you'll send me the eBook within 24 hours? Yes. But it's usually much quicker. Sometimes within hours or even minutes. We need the delay to personalise each copy.





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